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Big Data Analysis with Azure Data factory : Hand-on labs steps by steps

Microsoft Cloud Workshop

Big data and visualization

Hands-on lab step-by-step

June 2020

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Big data and visualization hands-on lab step-by-step

Abstract and learning objectives

This hands-on lab is designed to provide exposure to many of Microsoft’s transformative line of business applications built using Microsoft big data and advanced analytics.

By the end of the lab, you will be able to show an end-to-end solution, leveraging many of these technologies, but not necessarily doing work in every component possible.


Margie’s Travel (MT) provides concierge services for business travelers. In an increasingly crowded market, they are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves, and provide added value to their corporate customers.

They are looking to pilot a web app that their internal customer service agents can use to provide additional information useful to the traveler during the flight booking process. They want to enable their agents to enter in the flight information and produce a prediction as to whether the departing flight will encounter a 15-minute or longer delay, considering the weather forecasted for the departure hour.

Solution architecture

Below is a diagram of the solution architecture you will build in this lab. Please study this carefully so you understand the whole of the solution as you are working on the various components.

The high-level overview diagram of the end-to-end solution is displayed. Flight delay data and historical airport weather data are provided to Azure Data Factory. Azure Data Factory provides this data to both blob storage and Azure Databricks. Azure Databricks scores the data and saves the results to an Azure SQL Database. Azure Databricks also creates, trains, and exports a machine learning model to the Azure Machine Learning Service. Azure Machine Learning service provides a containerized services that is consumed by the web portal. The web portal also consumes 3rd party API data for forecasted weather. Map data visualization is provided by Power BI using web portal information and the Azure SQL database.


  1. Microsoft Azure subscription must be pay-as-you-go or MSDN.

    • Trial subscriptions will not work.
  2. If you are not a Service Administrator or Co-administrator for the Azure subscription, or if you are running the lab in a hosted environment, you will need to install Visual Studio 2019 Community with the ASP.NET and web development and Azure development workloads.

  3. Follow all the steps provided in Before the Hands-on Lab.

Exercise 1: Retrieve lab environment information and create Databricks cluster

Duration: 10 minutes

In this exercise, you will retrieve your Azure Storage account name and access key and your Azure Subscription Id and record the values to use later within the lab. You will also create a new Azure Databricks cluster.

Task 1: Retrieve Azure Storage account information and Subscription Id

You will need to have the Azure Storage account name and access key when you create your Azure Databricks cluster during the lab. You will also need to create storage containers in which you will store your flight and weather data files.

  1. From the side menu in the Azure portal, choose Resource groups, then enter your resource group name into the filter box, and select it from the list.

  2. Next, select your lab Azure Storage account from the list.

    The lab Azure Storage account is selected from within your lab resource group.
  3. On the left menu, select Overview, locate and copy your Azure Subscription ID and save to a text editor such as Notepad for later.

    On the left menu, Overview is selected and the Subscription ID is highlighted.
  4. Select Access keys (1) from the menu. Copy the storage account name (2) and the key1 key (3) and copy the values to a text editor such as Notepad for later.

    On the left menu, located in the Settings section, Access keys is selected. The copy button next to the Storage account name textbox is highlighted, as well as the copy button next to the key 1 key textbox.

Task 2: Create an Azure Databricks cluster

You have provisioned an Azure Databricks workspace, and now you need to create a new cluster within the workspace. Part of the cluster configuration includes setting up an account access key to your Azure Storage account, using the Spark Config within the new cluster form. This will allow your cluster to access the lab files.

  1. From the side menu in the Azure portal, select Resource groups, then enter your resource group name into the filter box, and select it from the list.

  2. Next, select your Azure Databricks service from the list.

    The Azure Databricks Service is selected from within your lab resource group.
  3. In the Overview pane of the Azure Databricks service, select Launch Workspace.

    The Launch Workspace button is selected within the Azure Databricks service overview pane.

    Azure Databricks will automatically log you in using Azure Active Directory Single Sign On.

    The Azure Databricks Azure Active Directory Single Sign On dialog.
  4. Select Clusters (1) from the menu, then select + Create Cluster (2).

    From the left menu, Clusters is selected. The + Create Cluster button is selected.
  5. On the New Cluster form, provide the following:

    • Cluster Namelab

    • Cluster ModeStandard

    • Pool: Select None

    • Databricks Runtime VersionRuntime: 6.4 (Scala 2.11, Spark 2.4.5) (Note: the runtime version CANNOT be > 6.6, due to compatibility issues with the supplied notebooks.)

    • Enable AutoscalingUncheck this option.

    • Terminate afterCheck the box and enter 120

    • Worker TypeStandard_F4s

    • Driver TypeSame as worker

    • Workers1

    • Spark Config: Expand Advanced Options and edit the Spark Config by entering the connection information for your Azure Storage account that you copied above in Task 1. This will allow your cluster to access the lab files. Enter the following:<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME> <ACCESS_KEY>, where is your Azure Storage account name, and is your storage access key.

    Example: HD+91Y77b+TezEu1lh9QXXU2Va6Cjg9bu0RRpb/KtBj8lWQa6jwyA0OGTDmSNVFr8iSlkytIFONEHLdl67Fgxg==

    The New Cluster form is populated with the values as outlined above.
  6. Select Create Cluster.

Exercise 2: Load Sample Data and Databricks Notebooks

Duration: 60 minutes

In this exercise, you will implement a classification experiment. You will load the training data from your local machine into a dataset. Then, you will explore the data to identify the primary components you should use for prediction, and use two different algorithms for predicting the classification. You will then evaluate the performance of both algorithms and choose the algorithm that performs best. The model selected will be exposed as a web service that is integrated with the optional sample web app at the end.

Task 1: Upload the Sample Datasets

  1. Before you begin working with machine learning services, there are three datasets you need to load.

  2. Download the three CSV sample datasets from here: (If you get an error, or the page won’t open, try pasting the URL into a new browser window and verify the case sensitive URL is exactly as shown). If you are still having trouble, a zip file called is included in the lab-files folders.

  3. Extract the ZIP and verify you have the following files:

    • FlightDelaysWithAirportCodes.csv
    • FlightWeatherWithAirportCodes.csv
    • AirportCodeLocationLookupClean.csv
  4. Open your Azure Databricks workspace. Before continuing to the next step, verify that your new cluster is running. Do this by navigating to Clusters on the left-hand menu and ensuring that the state of your cluster is Running.

    The Clusters menu item is selected and the cluster is shown beneath the Interactive Clusters section indicating that it is in the Running state.
  5. Select Data from the menu. Next, select default under Databases (if this does not appear, start your cluster). Finally, select Add Data above the Tables header.

    From the Azure Databricks workspace, Data is selected from the menu, default database is selected from a list of available databases, the Add Data button is selected.
  6. Select Upload File under Create New Table, and then select either select or drag-and-drop the FlightDelaysWithAirportCodes.csv file into the file area. Select Create Table with UI.

    In the Create New Table form, the Upload File button is highlighted and the FlightDelaysWithAirportCodes.csv shows as uploaded. The Create Table with UI button is shown at the bottom of the form.
  7. Select your cluster to preview the table, then select Preview Table.

  8. Change the Table Name to flight_delays_with_airport_codes and select the checkmark for First row is header. Select Create Table.

    The Specify Table Attributes form is displayed, flight_delays_with_airport_codes is highlighted in the Table Name field and the First row is header checkbox is checked. The Table Preview displays the Column Names and types along with a sampling of data.
  9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for the FlightWeatherWithAirportCode.csv and AirportCodeLocationsClean.csv files, setting the name for each dataset in a similar fashion:

    • flightweatherwithairportcode_csv renamed to flight_weather_with_airport_code
    • airportcodelocationlookupclean_csv renamed to airport_code_location_lookup_clean
    In the Data section, the default database is selected and the list of tables shows the three tables that were created based on the spreadsheet data.

Task 2: Install Azure ML library on the cluster

  1. Select Clusters on the left-hand menu, then select your lab cluster to open it.

    From the left menu, the Clusters item is selected, and beneath the Interactive Clusters section the lab cluster is highlighted.
  2. Select the Libraries tab. If you do not see the Azure ML library already installed on the cluster, continue to the next step. Otherwise, continue to Task 3.

  3. Select Install New.

    The Libraries tab is selected and Install New button is highlighted.
  4. In the Install Library dialog, select PyPi for the Library Source, then enter the following in the Package field: azureml-sdk[databricks]. Select Install.

    The Install Library dialog is displayed with PyPi selected as the Library Source, and the azureml-sdk package name is entered into the Package field.
  5. Wait until the library’s status shows as Installed before continuing.

    The azureml-sdk databricks library is shown in the list of packages with a status of Installed.

Task 3: Open Azure Databricks and complete lab notebooks

  1. Within Azure Databricks, select Workspace on the menu, then Users, then select the down arrow next to your user name. Select Import.

    In the left menu, the Workspace item is selected. Beneath the Workspaces pane, the Users item is selected. Beneath the Users pane, the current user is selected. The menu carat next to the username of the user is expanded with the Import item selected.
  2. Within the Import Notebooks dialog, select Import from: URL, then paste the following into the URL textbox:

    The Import Notebooks dialog is shown that will allow the user to import notebooks via a file upload or URL.
  3. After importing, expand the new BigDataVis folder.

  4. Before you begin, make sure you attach your cluster to the notebooks, using the dropdown. You will need to do this for each notebook you open. There are 5 notebooks included in the BigDataVis.dbc

    In the taskbar for a notebook, the cluster that is currently attached is highlighted.
  5. Run each cell of the notebooks located in the Exercise 2 folder (01, 02 and 03) individually by selecting within the cell, then entering Ctrl+Enter on your keyboard. Pay close attention to the instructions within the notebook so you understand each step of the data preparation process.

    In the Workspace screen, beneath BigDataVis the Exercise 2 folder is selected. Beneath Exercise 2, three notebooks are displayed 01 Data Preparation, 02 Train and Evaluate Models, and 03 Deploy as Web Service.
  6. Do NOT run the Clean up part of Notebook 3 (i.e. this command: service.delete()). You will need the URL of your Machine Learning Model exposed later in Exercise 8: Deploy intelligent web app (Optional Lab).

    Note: you could get this URL by updating your Notebook and adding this line print(service.scoring_uri), or by going to your Azure Machine Learning service workspace via the Azure portal and then to the “Deployments” blade.

  7. Do NOT run any notebooks within the Exercise 5 or 6 folders. They will be discussed later in the lab.

Exercise 3: Setup Azure Data Factory

Duration: 20 minutes

In this exercise, you will create a baseline environment for Azure Data Factory development for further operationalization of data movement and processing. You will create a Data Factory service, and then install the Data Management Gateway which is the agent that facilitates data movement from on-premises to Microsoft Azure.

Task 1: Download and stage data to be processed

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. Download the AdventureWorks sample data from

    Note: If you are using the optional VM provisioned in the Before the HOL document, ensure that you download and extract the data on the VM.

  3. Extract it to a new folder called C:\Data.

Task 2: Install and configure Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime on your machine

  1. To download the latest version of Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime, go to

    Note: If you are using the optional VM provisioned in the Before the HOL document, ensure that you install the IR on the VM.

  2. Select Download, then choose the download you want from the next screen.

    Under Choose the download you want, the latest version MSI file is selected.
  3. Run the installer, once downloaded.

  4. When you see the following screen, select Next.

    The Welcome page in the Microsoft Integration Runtime Setup Wizard displays. A language drop down list is shown and the Next button is selected.
  5. Check the box to accept the terms and select Next.

    On the End-User License Agreement page, the check box to accept the license agreement is selected, as is the Next button.
  6. Accept the default Destination Folder, and select Next.

    On the Destination folder page, the destination folder is set to C:FilesIntegration Runtime and the Next button is selected.
  7. Choose Install to complete the installation.

    On the Ready to install Microsoft Integration Runtime page, the Install button is selected.
  8. Select Finish once the installation has completed.

    On the Completed the Microsoft Integration Runtime Setup Wizard page, the Finish button is selected.
  9. After selecting Finish, the following screen will appear. Keep it open for now. You will come back to this screen once the Data Factory in Azure has been provisioned, and obtain the gateway key so we can connect Data Factory to this “on-premises” server.

    The Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager, Register Integration Runtime dialog displays.

Task 3: Configure Azure Data Factory

  1. Launch a new browser window, and navigate to the Azure portal ( Once prompted, log in with your Microsoft Azure credentials. If prompted, choose whether your account is an organization account or a Microsoft account. This will be based on which account was used to provision your Azure subscription that is being used for this lab.

  2. From the side menu in the Azure portal, choose Resource groups, then enter your resource group name into the filter box, and select it from the list.

  3. Next, select your Azure Data Factory service from the list.

  4. On the Data Factory Overview screen, select Author & Monitor.

    In the Azure Data Factory resource screen, Overview is selected from the left menu. The Author & Monitor tile is selected.
  5. A new page will open in another tab or new window. Within the Azure Data Factory site, select Manage on the menu.

    In the left menu, the Manage icon is selected.
  6. Now, select Integration runtimes in the menu beneath Connections (1), then select + New (2).

    The Integration runtimes menu item is selected selected, and the + New button is selected.
  7. In the Integration Runtime Setup blade that appears, select Azure, Self-Hosted, then select Continue.

    In the Integration runtime setup options, select Azure, Self-Hosted. Perform data flows, data movement, and dispatch activities to external compute.The Continue button is selected.
  8. Select Self-Hosted then select Continue.

    In the Network environment selected, Self-Hosted is selected and the Continue button is highlighted.
  9. Enter a Name, such as bigdatagateway-[initials], and select Create.

    In the Integration runtime setup form, the Name textbox is populated with the value defined above.
  10. Under Option 2: Manual setup, copy the Key1 authentication key value by selecting the Copy button, then select Close.

    Beneath Option 2: Manual setup, the Key 1 textbox and copy button are highlighted.
  11. Don’t close the current screen or browser session.

  12. Paste the Key1 value into the box in the middle of the Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager screen.

    The Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager Register Integration Runtime page displays with the Key1 value pasted into the textbox. A green checkmark next to the textbox denotes it’s a valid key.
  13. Select Register.

  14. It can take up to a minute or two to register. If it takes more than a couple of minutes, and the screen does not respond or returns an error message, close the screen by selecting the Cancel button.

  15. The next screen will be New Integration Runtime (Self-hosted) Node. Select Finish.

    The Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager New Integration Runtime (Self-hosted) Node page displays with a Finish button.
  16. You will then get a screen with a confirmation message. Select the Launch Configuration Manager button to view the connection details.

    The Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager Indicates the Integration Runtime (Self-hosted) node has been successfully registered. The Launch Configuration Manager button is highlighted.
    The Microsoft Integration Runtime Configuration Manager indicates the Self-hosted note is connected to the cloud service.
  17. You can now return to the Azure Data Factory page, and view the Integration Runtime you just configured. You may need to select Refresh to view the Running status for the IR.

    In the Connections tab in Azure Data Factory, the Integration runtimes tab is selected and the integration runtime bigdatagateway-initials is shown in the list.
  18. Select the Azure Data Factory Overview button on the menu. Leave this open for the next exercise.

    The Azure Data Factory Overview button is selected from the left menu.

Exercise 4: Develop a data factory pipeline for data movement

Duration: 20 minutes

In this exercise, you will create an Azure Data Factory pipeline to copy data (.CSV files) from an on-premises server (your machine) to Azure Blob Storage. The goal of the exercise is to demonstrate data movement from an on-premises location to Azure Storage (via the Integration Runtime).

Task 1: Create copy pipeline using the Copy Data Wizard

  1. Within the Azure Data Factory overview page, select Copy Data.

    The Copy Data item is from the Azure Data Factory overview page.
  2. In the Copy Data properties, enter the following:

    • Task nameCopyOnPrem2AzurePipeline

    • Task description: (Optional) This pipeline copies time-sliced CSV files from on-premises C:\\Data to Azure Blob Storage as a continuous job.

    • Task cadence or Task schedule: Select Run regularly on schedule

    • Trigger typeSelect Schedule

    • Start date time (UTC): Enter 03/01/2018 12:00 AM

    • Recurrence: Every 1, and select Month(s)

    • Under the Advanced recurrence options, make sure you have a value of 0 in the textboxes for Hours (UTC) and Minutes (UTC), otherwise it will fail later during Publishing.

    • End: No End

    The Properties form for the copy data task is shown populated with the values outlined above.
  3. Select Next.

  4. On the Source data store screen, select + Create new connection.

  5. Scroll through the options and select File System, then select Continue.

    In the New linked service list, File System is selected. The Continue button is selected.
  6. In the New Linked Service form, enter the following:

    • NameOnPremServer

    • Connect via integration runtime: Select the Integration runtime created previously in this exercise.

    • HostC:\Data

    • User name: Use your machine’s login username.

    • Password: Use your machine’s login password.

  7. Select Test connection to verify you correctly entered the values. Finally, select Create.

    In the New linked service form, fields are populated with the values specified in Step 6. The Test connection button is highlighted.
  8. On the Source data store page, select Next.

    On the Source data store page, OnPremServer is selected and the Next button is highlighted.
  9. On the Choose the input file or folder screen, select Browse, then select the FlightsAndWeather folder. Next, select Load all files under file loading behavior, check Recursively, then select Next.

    In the Choose the input file or folder screen, the Browse button and Next button are highlighted. The File or Folder is set to FlightsAndWeather, the File loading behavior is set to Load all files, and the checkbox for Recursively is checked.
  10. On the File format settings page, select the following options:

    • File formatText format

    • Column delimiterComma (,)

    • Row delimiterAuto detect ( , or )

    • Skip line count0

    • First row as headerChecked

    The File format settings form is displayed populated with the previously defined values.
  11. Select Next.

  12. On the Destination data store screen, select + Create new connection.

  13. Select Azure Blob Storage within the New Linked Service blade, then select Continue.

    In the New linked service list, Azure Blob Storage is selected and the Continue button is highlighted.
  14. On the New Linked Service (Azure Blob Storage) account screen, enter the following, test your connection, and then select Create.

    • NameBlobStorageOutput

    • Connect via integration runtime: Select your Integration Runtime.

    • Authentication method: Select Account key

    • Account selection methodFrom Azure subscription

    • Storage account name: Select the blob storage account you provisioned in the before-the-lab section.

    On the New linked service (Azure Blob storage) page, the fields are set to the previously defined values.
  15. On the Destination data store page, select Next.

  16. From the Choose the output file or folder tab, enter the following:

    • Folder pathsparkcontainer/FlightsAndWeather/{Year}/{Month}/

    • FilenameFlightsAndWeather.csv

    • Yearyyyy

    • MonthMM

    • Copy behaviorMerge files

    • Select Next.

      On the Choose the output file or folder form, fields are set to the previously defined values.
  17. On the File format settings screen, select the Text format file format, and check the Add header to file checkbox, then select Next. If present, leave Max rows per file and File name prefix at their defaults.

    On the File format settings page, File format is set to Text format and the check box for Add header to file is selected. The Next button is selected.
  18. On the Settings screen, select Skip incompatible rows under Fault tolerance, and uncheck Enable logging. If present, keep Data concistency verification unchecked. Expand Advanced settings and set Degree of copy parallelism to 10, then select Next.

    In the Fault tolerance drop down Skip incompatible rows is selected and the Degree of copy parallelism is set to 10. The Next button is selected.
  19. Review settings on the Summary tab, but DO NOT choose Next.

    The Summary page is displayed.
  20. Scroll down on the summary page until you see the Copy Settings section. Select Edit next to Copy Settings.

    The Edit link is selected next to the Copy settings header.
  21. Change the following Copy setting:

    • Retry3

    • Select Save.

      In the Copy settings form the Retry textbox is set to 3 and the Save link is highlighted.
  22. After saving the Copy settings, select Next on the Summary tab.

  23. On the Deployment screen you will see a message that the deployment in is progress, and after a minute or two that the deployment completed. Select Edit Pipeline to close out of the wizard and navigate to the pipeline editing blade.

    The Deployment screen indicates the deployment is complete.

Exercise 5: Operationalize ML scoring with Azure Databricks and Data Factory

Duration: 20 minutes

In this exercise, you will extend the Data Factory to operationalize the scoring of data using the previously created machine learning model within an Azure Databricks notebook.

Task 1: Create Azure Databricks Linked Service

  1. Return to, or reopen, the Author & Monitor page for your Azure Data Factory in a web browser, navigate to the Author view, and select the pipeline.

    Under Factory Resources, the CopyOnPrem2AzurePipeline pipeline is selected.
  2. Once there, expand Databricks under Activities.

    Beneath Activities, the Databricks item is expanded.
  3. Drag the Notebook activity onto the design surface to the side of the Copy activity.

    The Notebook activity is dragged onto the design surface.
  4. Select the Notebook activity on the design surface to display tabs containing its properties and settings at the bottom of the screen. On the General tab, enter BatchScore into the Name field.

    BatchScore is entered into the Name textbox under the General tab.
  5. Select the Azure Databricks tab, and select + New next to the Databricks Linked service drop down. Here, you will configure a new linked service which will serve as the connection to your Databricks cluster.

    In the Azure Databricks tab, the + New button is selected next to the Databricks Linked Service textbox.
  6. On the New Linked Service dialog, enter the following:

    • NameAzureDatabricks

    • Connect via integration runtime: Leave set to Default.

    • Account selection methodFrom Azure subscription

    • Azure subscription: Choose your Azure Subscription.

    • Databricks workspace: Pick your Databricks workspace to populate the Domain automatically.

    • Select clusterExisting interactive cluster

    The New linked service form is shown populated with the previously listed values.
  7. Leave the form open and open your Azure Databricks workspace in another browser tab. You will generate and retrieve the Access token here.

  8. In Azure Databricks, select the Account icon in the top corner of the window, then select User Settings.

    The Account icon is selected in Azure Databricks. User Settings is selected from the list of Account options.
  9. Select Generate New Token under the Access Tokens tab. Enter ADF access for the comment and leave the lifetime at 90 days. Select Generate.

    The Generate New Token modal is shown with the previously specified values.
  10. Copy the generated token and paste it into a text editor such as Notepad for a later step.

    Copy the generated token.
  11. Switch back to your Azure Data Factory screen and paste the generated token into the Access token field within the form. After a moment, select your cluster underneath Choose from existing clusters. Select Create.

    In the New linked service form, the access token is pasted into the Access Token field and the Azure Databricks Cluster (lab) is selected.
  12. Switch back to Azure Databricks. Select Workspace > Users > BigDataVis in the menu. Select the Exercise 5 folder then open notebook 01 Deploy for Batch Scoring. Examine the content but don’t run any of the cells yet. You need to replace STORAGE-ACCOUNT-NAME with the name of the blob storage account you copied in Exercise 1 into Cmd 4.

    In the Azure Databricks workspaces, beneath BigDataVis, the Exercise 5 folder is selected. Beneath Exercise 5 the 01 Deploy for Batch Score notebook is selected.
  13. Switch back to your Azure Data Factory screen. Select the Settings tab, then browse to your Exercise 5/01 Deploy for Batch Score notebook into the Notebook path field.

    In the Azure Data Factory pipeline designer, with the Notebook activity selected, the Settings tab is the active tab. The Browse button is selected next to the Notebook path.
  14. The final step is to connect the Copy activities with the Notebook activity. Select the small green box on the side of the copy activity, and drag the arrow onto the Notebook activity on the design surface. What this means is that the copy activity has to complete processing and generate its files in your storage account before the Notebook activity runs, ensuring the files required by the BatchScore notebook are in place at the time of execution. Select Publish All, then Publish the CopyOnPrem2AzurePipeline, after making the connection.

    In the Azure Data Factory pipeline designer. The Copy Data activity is attached to the Notebook activity.

Task 2: Trigger workflow

  1. Switch back to Azure Data Factory. Select your pipeline if it is not already opened.

  2. Select Trigger, then Trigger Now located above the pipeline design surface.

    In the taskbar for the Azure Data Factory pipeline designer, Trigger is selected and Trigger Now is selected from the dropdown options.
  3. Enter 3/1/2017 into the windowStart parameter, then select OK.

    The Pipeline Run form is displayed with the windowStart parameter set to 3/1/2017.
  4. Select Monitor in the menu. You will be able to see your pipeline activity in progress as well as the status of past runs.

    From the left menu in Azure Data Factory, Monitor is selected. The current status of the pipeline run is displayed in the table.

    Note: You may need to restart your Azure Databricks cluster if it has automatically terminated due to inactivity.

Exercise 6: Summarize data using Azure Databricks

Duration: 10 minutes

In this exercise, you will prepare a summary of flight delay data using Spark SQL.

Task 1: Summarize delays by airport

  1. Open your Azure Databricks workspace, expand the Exercise 6 folder and open the final notebook called 01 Explore Data.

    Beneath the BigDataVis workspace, the Exercise 6 folder is selected. Beneath the Exercise 6 folder the 01 Explore Data notebook highlighted.
  2. Execute each cell and follow the instructions in the notebook that explains each step.

Exercise 7: Visualizing in Power BI Desktop

Duration: 20 minutes

In this exercise, you will create visualizations in Power BI Desktop.

Task 1: Obtain the JDBC connection string to your Azure Databricks cluster

Before you begin, you must first obtain the JDBC connection string to your Azure Databricks cluster.

  1. In Azure Databricks, go to Clusters and select your cluster.

  2. On the cluster edit page, scroll down to the bottom of the page, expand Advanced Options, then select the JDBC/ODBC tab.

    Beneath Advanced Options, the JDBC/ODBC tab is selected.
  3. On the JDBC/ODBC tab, copy and save the first JDBC URL.

    • Construct the JDBC server address that you will use when you set up your Spark cluster connection in Power BI Desktop.

    • Take the JDBC URL and do the following:

    • Replace jdbc:spark with https.

    • Remove everything in the path between the port number and sql, retaining the components indicated by the boxes in the image below. Also remove ;AuthMech=3;UID=token;PWD=<personal-access-token> from the end of the string.

      An image of the JDBC URL with the necessary values for the new Power BI connection string selected.
    • In our example, the server address would be:

Task 2: Connect to Azure Databricks using Power BI Desktop

  1. If you did not already do so during the before the hands-on lab setup, download Power BI Desktop from

  2. When Power BI Desktop starts, you will need to enter your personal information, or Sign in if you already have an account.

    The Power BI Desktop Welcome page displays prompting user for personal details.
  3. Select Get data on the screen that is displayed next.

    On the Power BI Desktop Sign in page the Get data item is selected.
  4. Select Spark from the list of available data sources. You may enter Spark into the search field to find it faster.

    In the Get Data screen, Spark is selected from the list of available sources.
  5. Select Connect.

  6. On the next screen, you will be prompted for your Spark cluster information.

  7. Paste the JDBC connection string you constructed into the Server field.

  8. Select the HTTP protocol.

  9. Select DirectQuery for the Data Connectivity mode, and select OK. This option will offload query tasks to the Azure Databricks Spark cluster, providing near-real time querying.

    The Spark form is populated with the Server, Protocol, and Data Connectivity mode specified in the previous steps.
  10. Enter your credentials on the next screen as follows:

    • User nametoken

    • Password: Remember that ADF Access token we generated for the Azure Data Factory notebook activity? Paste the same value here for the password.

    The Generate New Token form from when we generated the access token.
    “token” is entered for the username and the access token is pasted into the password field.
  11. Select Connect.

  12. In the Navigator dialog, check the box next to flight_delays_summary, and select Load.

    In the Navigator dialog box, in the pane under Display Options, the check box for flight_delays_summary is selected. In the pane, the table of flight delays summary information displays.

Task 3: Create Power BI report

  1. Once the data finishes loading, you will see the fields appear on the far side of the Power BI Desktop client window.

    The Power BI Desktop Fields pane displays the fields from the flight_delays_summary table.
  2. From the Visualizations area, next to Fields, select the Globe icon to add a Map visualization to the report design surface.

    On the Power BI Desktop Visualizations palette, the globe icon is selected.
  3. With the Map visualization still selected, drag the OriginLatLong field to the Location field under Visualizations. Then Next, drag the NumDelays field to the Size field under Visualizations.

    In the Fields column, the check boxes for NumDelays and OriginLatLong are selected. An arrow points from OriginLatLong in the Fields column, to OriginLatLong in the Visualization’s Location field. A second arrow points from NumDelays in the Fields column, to NumDelays in the Visualization’s Size field.
  4. You should now see a map that looks similar to the following (resize and zoom on your map if necessary):

    On the Report design surface, a Map of the United States displays with varying-sized dots over different cities.
  5. Unselect the Map visualization by selecting the white space next to the map in the report area.

  6. From the Visualizations area, select the Stacked Column Chart icon to add a bar chart visual to the report’s design surface.

    The stacked column chart icon is selected on the Visualizations palette.
  7. With the Stacked Column Chart still selected, drag the DayofMonth field and drop it into the Axis field located under Visualizations.

  8. Next, drag the NumDelays field over, and drop it into the Value field.

    In the Fields column, the check boxes for NumDelays and DayofMonth are selected. An arrow points from NumDelays in the Fields column, to NumDelays in the Visualization’s Axis field. A second arrow points from DayofMonth in the Fields column, to DayofMonth in the Visualization’s Value field.
  9. Grab the corner of the new Stacked Column Chart visual on the report design surface, and drag it out to make it as wide as the bottom of your report design surface. It should look something like the following.

    On the Report Design Surface, under the map of the United States with dots, a stacked bar chart displays.
  10. Unselect the Stacked Column Chart visual by selecting on the white space next to the map on the design surface.

  11. From the Visualizations area, select the Treemap icon to add this visualization to the report.

    On the Visualizations palette, the Treemap icon is selected.
  12. With the Treemap visualization selected, drag the OriginAirportCode field into the Group field under Visualizations.

  13. Next, drag the NumDelays field over, and drop it into the Values field.

    In the Fields column, the check boxes for NumDelays and OriginAirportcode are selected. An arrow points from NumDelays in the Fields column, to NumDelays in the Visualization’s Values field. A second arrow points from OriginAirportcode in the Fields column, to OriginAirportcode in the Visualization’s Group field.
  14. Grab the corner of the Treemap visual on the report design surface, and expand it to fill the area between the map and the side edge of the design surface. The report should now look similar to the following.

    The Report design surface now displays the map of the United States with dots, a stacked bar chart, and a Treeview.
  15. You can cross filter any of the visualizations on the report by selecting one of the other visuals within the report, as shown below (This may take a few seconds to change, as the data is loaded).

    The map on the Report design surface is now zoomed in on the northeast section of the United States, and the only dot on the map is on Chicago. In the Treeview, all cities except ORD are grayed out. In the stacked bar graph, each bar is now divided into a darker and a lighter color, with the darker color representing the airport.
  16. You can save the report, by choosing Save from the File menu, and entering a name and location for the file.

    The Power BI Save as window displays.

Exercise 8: Deploy intelligent web app (Optional Lab)

Duration: 20 minutes

In this exercise, you will deploy an intelligent web application to Azure from GitHub. This application leverages the operationalized machine learning model that was deployed in Exercise 1 to bring action-oriented insight to an already existing business process.

Please note: If you are running your lab in a hosted Azure environment and you do not have permissions to create a new Azure resource group, the automated deployment task (#2 below) may fail, even if you choose an existing resource group. The automated deployment will also fail if the user you are logged into the portal with is not a Service Administrator or a Co-Administrator. If this happens, we recommend that you install Visual Studio 2017/2019 Community or greater, then use the Publish feature to publish to a new Azure web app. You will then need to create and populate two new Application Settings as outlined in the tasks that follow: mlUrl and weatherApiKeySkip ahead to Task 3 for further instructions.

Task 1: Register for an OpenWeather account

To retrieve the 5-day hourly weather forecast, you will use an API from OpenWeather. There is a free version that provides you access to the API you need for this hands-on lab.

  1. Navigate to

  2. Complete the registration form by providing your desired username, email address, and a password. Verify you are 16 years old and over, and agree to the privacy policy and terms of conditions. Select Create Account. If you already have an account, select Sign in at the top of the page instead.

    The registration form is displayed.
  3. Check your email account you used for registration. You should have a confirmation email from OpenWeather. Open the email and follow the email verification link within to complete the registration process. When the welcome page loads, log in with your new account.

    The OpenWeather confirmation and account login page is displayed.
  4. After logging in, select the API keys tab. Take note of your Default Key and copy it to a text editor such as Notepad for later. You will need this key to make API calls later in the lab.

    The OpenWeather API keys page is displayed.
  5. To verify that your API Key is working, replace {YOUR API KEY} in the following URL and paste the updated path to your browser’s navigation bar:{YOUR API KEY}. You should see a JSON result that looks similar to the following:

    The OpenWeather API call displays JSON data for an API call for Los Angeles weather.

    Note: If you send this request immediately after key creation, you may encounter a 401 response code. If so, wait for a couple of minutes.

Task 2: Deploy web app from GitHub

  1. Navigate to in your browser of choice, but where you are already authenticated to the Azure portal.

  2. Read through the README information on the GitHub page.

  3. Select Deploy to Azure.

    Screenshot of the Deploy to Azure button.
  4. On the following page, ensure the fields are populated correctly.

    • Ensure the correct Directory and Subscription are selected.

    • Select the Resource Group that you have been using throughout this lab.

    • Either keep the default Site name, or provide one that is globally unique, and then choose a Site Location.

    • Enter the OpenWeather API Key.

    • Finally, enter the ML URL. We got this from Azure databricks Notebook #3 in the Exercise 2 folder. If you cleaned your resources at the end of this Notebook #3, you will need to re-run it and keep the web service running to get its associated URL.

    The web service URL is output from a cell within the Databricks notebook.
    Fields on the Deploy to Azure page are populated with the previously copied information.
  5. Select Next, and on the following screen, select Deploy.

  6. The page should begin deploying your application while showing you a status of what is currently happening.

    Note: If you run into errors during the deployment that indicate a bad request or unauthorized, verify that the user you are logged into the portal with an account that is either a Service Administrator or a Co-Administrator. You won’t have permissions to deploy the website otherwise.

  7. After a short time, the deployment will complete, and you will be presented with a link to your newly deployed web application. CTRL+Click to open it in a new tab.

  8. Try a few different combinations of origin, destination, date, and time in the application. The information you are shown is the result of both the ML API you published, as well as information retrieved from the OpenWeather API.

    The Margie’s Travel web app is displayed.
  9. Congratulations! You have built and deployed an intelligent system to Azure.

Task 3: Manual deployment (optional)

If the automated deployment from GitHub in the previous task failed, follow these instructions to manually deploy.

  1. Install Visual Studio 2017/2019 Community or greater. Make sure you select the ASP.NET and web development and Azure development workloads.

    The Visual Studio workloads are displayed with ASP.NET and web development and Azure development workloads selected.

    Note: If you are prompted to sign in to Visual Studio for the first time, enter the Azure account credentials you are using for this lab.

  2. In a web browser, navigate to the Big data and visualization MCW repo.

  3. On the repo page, select Clone or download, then select Download ZIP.

    The Github repository page is displayed with the Clone or Download item expanded and the Download Zip button highlighted.
  4. Unzip the contents to your root hard drive (i.e. C:\). This will create a folder on your root drive named C:\MCW-Big-data-and-visualization-master.

  5. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\MCW-Big-data-and-visualization-master\Hands-on lab\lab-files\BigDataTravel\, then open BigDataTravel.sln.

  6. In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click on the BigDataTravel project, then select Publish….

    In Solution Explorer, the BigDataTravel project context menu is expanded with the Publish menu item selected.
  7. In the Publish dialog, select the App Service publish target, select Create New, then choose Publish.

    In the Pick a publish target window, the App Service item is selected. In the Azure App Service form, Create New is selected, and the Publish button is highlighted.
  8. Enter the following into the App Service form that follows, then select Create:

    • Name: Enter a unique value.

    • Subscription: Choose the Azure subscription you are using for the lab.

    • Resource group: Select the Azure resource group you are using for the lab.

    • Hosting Plan: Select New, then create a new Hosting Plan in the same location and the Free size.

    • Application Insights: Select None.

    The App Service Create new form is displayed populated with the values listed above.
  9. After publishing is completed, open the new App Service located in your resource group in the Azure portal.

  10. Select Configuration in the left-hand menu.

    In the App Service resource screen, the Configuration menu item is highlighted.
  11. Create the two following Application settings, then select Save:

    • mlUrl: Enter the Machine Learning URL. We got this from Azure databricks Notebook #3 in the Exercise 2 folder. If you cleaned your resources at the end of this Notebook #3, you will need to re-run it and keep the web service running to get its associated URL.

    • weatherApiKey: Enter the OpenWeather API key.

    In the Application settings section, the two new application settings described above are highlighted.

You will now be able to successfully navigate the web app.

Note: If you receive an error concerning the Roslyn compiler, open the NuGet package manager interface (Tools –> NuGet Package Manager –> Package Manager Console) and run the command below to update the package. Then, publish the application again.

Update-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -r

After the hands-on lab

Duration: 10 minutes

In this exercise, attendees will deprovision any Azure resources that were created in support of the lab.

Task 1: Delete resource group

  1. Using the Azure portal, navigate to the Resource group you used throughout this hands-on lab by selecting Resource groups in the menu.

  2. Search for the name of your research group and select it from the list.

  3. Select Delete in the command bar and confirm the deletion by re-typing the Resource group name and selecting Delete.

You should follow all steps provided after attending the Hands-on lab.

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