Data transformation with pyspark, pyspark.sql, extract matching string to create new column
In Detail steps
Create a sample dataframe
data = [('2345', 'Checked by John'),
('2398', 'Verified by Stacy'),
('2328', 'Verified by Srinivas than some random text'),
('3983', 'Double Checked on 2/23/17 by Marsha')]
df = sc.parallelize(data).toDF(['ID', 'Notes'])
| ID| Notes|
|2345| Checked by John|
|2398| Verified by Stacy|
|2328|Verified by Srini...|
|3983|Double Checked on...|
Do the needed imports
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract, col
On df
extract Employee
name from column using regexp_extract(column_name, regex, group_number)
Here regex('(.)(by)(\s+)(\w+)'
) means
- (.) - Any character (except newline)
- (by) - Word by in the text
- (\s+) - One or many spaces
- (\w+) - Alphanumeric or underscore chars of length one
and group_number is 4 because group (\w+)
is in 4th position in expression
result = df.withColumn('Employee', regexp_extract(col('Notes'), '(.)(by)(\s+)(\w+)', 4))
| ID| Notes|Employee|
|2345| Checked by John| John|
|2398| Verified by Stacy| Stacy|
|2328|Verified by Srini...|Srinivas|
|3983|Double Checked on...| Marsha|